A kiwifruit grower at the centre of a landmark Psa case says he didn’t spray his orchard with the pollen claimed to have caused the virus that devastated the industry in 2010.
▲Photo of red kiwi fruit pollination
Graeme Crawshaw, along with his wife Jill Hamlyn, owned Kairanga Orchard in Te Puke, the second orchard where Psa was discovered in 2010. He was also a director and shareholder of Kiwi Pollen, with Hamlyn the managing director.
Graeme Crawshaw和他的妻子Jill Hamlyn在Te Puke拥有Kairanga果园,这是2010年发现Psa的第二个果园。他也是Kiwi Pollen的董事和股东,Hamlyn是董事总经理。
▲Extraction of pollen grain from anther
A group of 212 growers, led by Strathboss Kiwifruit and Seeka, claimed the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), merged into the Ministry for Primary Industries in 2012, was negligent under the Biosecurity Act, which made it responsible for controlling the importation of "risk goods".
由Strathboss Kiwifruit和Seeka领导的212名种植者声称,2012年并入初级产业部的农业和林业部(MAF)在《生物安全法》下疏忽大意,该法规定其负责控制“风险商品”的进口。
The grower group said Kiwi Pollen New Zealand imported kiwifruit anthers from China that were the source of the Psa outbreak.
The Government's lawyers weren't set to give their side until mid-September after the kiwifruit growers concluded their case.
种植者组织表示,新西兰Kiwi Pollen从中国进口猕猴桃花药,这是Psa爆发的源头。
▲Kiwi pollination by honey bee
However, in the amended statement of defence published online by MPI, its lawyer Jack Hodder QC argued the ministry acted appropriately and it was inconclusive exactly how Psa entered NZ.
然而,在MPI在线发布的经修订的辩护声明中,其律师Jack Hodder QC辩称,该部的行为是恰当的,Psa是如何进入新西兰的尚无定论。
▲新西兰的猕猴桃雄花园Kiwi Male Garden in New Zealand
Earlier in the week, Anthony Moore, a former orchard owner, gave evidence that pollen would be tested for viability before it was used, with only high-quality, commercially viable pollen sold.
本周早些时候,前果园主安东尼·摩尔(Anthony Moore)提供了证据,表明花粉在使用前会进行存活率测试,只销售高质量、商业上可行的花粉。
Moore, who worked for Kiwi Pollen each year before the pollination season, said Crawshaw often used commercially unviable pollen for experiments by applying it to his kiwifruit orchard.
Moore每年在授粉季节前为Kiwi Pollen工作,他说Crawshaw经常将商业上不可行的花粉用于实验,将其应用于他的猕猴桃园。
Pollen that ended up on the ground while being weighed would be swept up because it was too valuable to waste and would be put through a cyclone machine in the pollen room to separate out any extraneous material, Moore said.
Under examination from the kiwifruit grower group lawyer Davey Salmon, Crawshaw said he didn't recall ever using low-viability or recycloned pollen and never intended to use it but it could have been used inadvertently.
在猕猴桃种植者团体律师Davey Salmon的检查下,Crawshaw表示,他不记得曾经使用过低存活率或再循环花粉,也从未打算使用它,但它可能是无意中使用的。
▲New Zealand Kiwi Orchard
Crawshaw said he had done "desk trials" using the low-viability pollen for his mini-duster which he created to spread pollen more efficiently in the orchard but the pollen didn't work in the machine.
▲Kiwi pollination by honey bee
Low-viability pollen could be spread through a two-stroke duster but Crawshaw said that was an inefficient tool and he last used one for commercial applications before 2000.
▲Kiwi pollination▲
"I never sprayed recycled pollen because the machinery I was using would not allow any extraneous material to flow through," he said.
"The pollination I did on our own orchards was targeted pollen application using more labour and consequently more efficient pollen use. That's the reason it was my policy to use very good quality pollen."
Before the morning adjournment, Crawshaw was shown an October 21, 2010, invoice from Kiwi Pollen to the trust that owned Kairanga orchard, which showed a purchase of recycloned pollen was shipped to him.
Crawshaw said there was either a mistake in the document or he had made an error of memory. He said he didn't recall the pollen being used on the orchard and didn't know where it might have been used.
在上午休会之前,克劳肖收到了一份 2010 年 10 月 21 日新西兰花粉公司开给拥有凯兰加果园的信托公司的发票,其中显示购买的回收花粉已运给他。
▲Kiwi pollination by honey bee
"If this is an accurate document and we have no reason to doubt it is an accurate document, then I apologise for my lapse in memory because I don't remember this pollen being used and I don't deny it may well have been," he said.
"I don't have any reason to suggest it is inaccurate."
Later in the morning, Crawshaw was quizzed about MAF's visit to the orchard on November 12, 2010, after symptoms of Psa emerged.
“如果这是一份准确的文件,并且我们没有理由怀疑它是准确的文件,那么我为我的记忆失误表示歉意,因为我不记得使用过这种花粉,而且我不否认它很可能被使用过, “他说。
上午晚些时候,Crawshaw 被问及 MAF 在 2010 年 11 月 12 日出现 Psa 症状后访问果园的情况。
▲sungold g3 kiwi orchard
Peter West, who had previously worked at Kiwi Pollen and who managed Olympos Orchard where Psa was first found, said Crawshaw had deliberately led him away from Psa-diseased dead vines when he visited on November 6.
彼得·韦斯特(Peter West)曾在 Kiwi Pollen 工作,并管理首次发现 Psa 的奥林波斯果园(Olympos Orchard)。
▲Kiwi pollination▲
"It might have been logical to Peter to see that I was trying to deceive him, I wasn't," Crawshaw said.
Crawshaw continued being examined in the afternoon. The trial was set down for about three months, having begun earlier this month.
克劳肖下午继续接受检查。该审判于本月初开始,为期约三个月。 “我从不喷洒回收的花粉,因为我使用的机器不允许任何外来物质流过,”他说。
▲Bohong Kiwi Pollen Company is the largest pollen supplier in China, planting 1200 acres of high-altitude kiwifruit. The kiwifruit pollen project is the largest single area macaque peach blossom pollen garden in China, producing 400 kilograms of pollen during the high-yield period, providing high-quality, high ploidy, and high activity kiwifruit pollen. Contact WeChat 18030405084