growers are claiming losses of $376.4 million in a case 新西兰猕猴桃溃疡病灾害的后遗症 部分业主获得政府赔偿

2022 年 8 月 16 日16:21:23新西兰阳光金果sungold kiwifruit评论621 views阅读17分17秒阅读模式

Kiwifruit grower recalls bitter experience of losing orchard 猕猴桃种植者回忆失去果园的痛苦经历(原标题)



Former kiwifruit orchardist Wendy Arthur believes she is the only grower in the country who tore out all her plants after the Psa disease struck in 2010.

前猕猴桃果园主温迪·阿瑟(Wendy Arthur)认为,她是该国唯一一位在2010年Psa病爆发后将所有植物都拔掉的种植者。

Kiwi pollination

▲Kiwi pollination▲

If she had left the old rootstock in the ground and grafted on the new Gold 3 variety, as other growers did, she would probably have a thriving business today.

如果她像其他种植者一样,把老砧木留在地里,嫁接到新的Gold 3品种上,她今天的生意可能会很兴旺。

Kiwi pollination

▲Kiwi pollination▲

The Waihi resident was never compensated, as others were. But she has decided not to join in the class "Kiwifruit Claim" action about to play out in the Wellington High Court, because "in the end I just had to put it behind me and suck it up and move on".




Former kiwifruit grower Wendy Arthur who lost her orchards during the Psa crisis.

A total of 212 growers and post-harvest operators are claiming losses of $376.4 million in a case that alleges the Government was negligent in letting Psa into New Zealand in 2010.


zespri kiwifruit

▲zespri kiwifruit

The class action, being run by litigation funder the LPF Group chaired by former Supreme Court judge Bill Wilson, is due to start on Monday. It will last at least 12 weeks.

这起集体诉讼由诉讼资助者(LPF Group)负责,由前最高法院法官比尔·威尔逊(Bill Wilson)担任主席,定于周一开始。它将持续至少12周。

zespri RubyRed

▲zespri RubyRed▲

Arthur's experience left her bitter, following "vicious" emails from other growers who pressured her to remove her infected vines.


zespri redkiwi

▲zespri redkiwi

Fortunately she had a 600-cow dairy farm as well as the 5 hectare orchard in the Waihi Valley, which meant she was in a more secure financial situation than other growers. That might have contributed to the coercion applied to her, she feels.


zespri yellow kiwi

▲zespri yellow kiwi

Arthur said Kiwi Vine Health (KVH) - the industry body charged with dealing with Psa from December 2010 - had advised her to completely remove the vines. Of the 5 hectares, one had been planted in 1980, while the remaining four had only recently been established and were not yet producing.

zespri yellow kiwi

▲g3 kiwi orchard testing

Arthur说,从2010年12月起负责处理Psa的行业机构Kiwi Vine Health(KVH)已经建议她完全移除葡萄藤。在这5公顷土地中,有一公顷是1980年种植的,其余4公顷是最近才建立起来的,尚未开始生产。

KVH contests aspects of her claim. It says it told growers in 2011 it was up to them whether or not to completely remove the vines.




"KVH's position was that although it supported any individual's own decision to completely remove vines from the orchard, it was not a requirement from KVH, and as such not compensated. KVH did however in 2011 pay for the cut out and disposal costs of this orchard which were considerable."


zespri kiwi propaganda

▲zespri kiwi propaganda

Arthur said she offered to take out a hectare at her own cost but KVH did the job "for nothing", and considered this was by of compensation.


golden g3 kiwifruit

▲golden g3 kiwifruit

No-one had ever told her to leave the rootstock in the ground so that the new gold variety could be grafted on. "They wanted it gone", she said.




KVH said Arthur then contacted them with her concerns in 2012, and they met with her and her packhouse Seeka several times to discuss the issues she raised and investigated the situation, including seeking extensive legal opinion.


sungold g3 Kiwifruit packaging

▲sungold g3 Kiwifruit packaging

In the early stages of the outbreak, KVH had compensated a small group of Te Puke growers whose orchards had become infected. But once the KVH strategy changed from eradicating Psa to containing it, this early compensation package was deemed "no longer appropriate" and no longer available to growers from March 2011, KVH said in a recent statement.


Red heart kiwi

▲Red heart kiwi

The growers were given $17m, out of a total aid package of $50m.


sungold kiwi orchard

▲sungold kiwi orchard

"I was very upset about the compensation handed out - it should have been either all or nobody. Those early people all got very well compensated and that was a real bone of contention. By the time my orchards were taken out the compensation money was well gone. They should have put the money into containing the thing," she said.


Kiwi pollination

▲Kiwi pollination▲

KVH said Arthur was aware of its stance over compensation prior to making any decisions regarding completely removing her vines, which were cut out in November 2011.


redKiwi sapling

▲redKiwi sapling▲

KVH also ensured that Mrs Arthur's orchard was entitled to participate in the Gold3 licence allocation process the following season.


sungold kiwi growing zone

▲sungold kiwi growing zone

"We were offered the opportunity to have G3 at $8000 per ha (instead of the standard $12,000) but I couldn't do it because I had no rootstock and it was impossible to get any new," she said.


sungold g3 kiwi planting

▲sungold g3 kiwi planting

Regarding the upcoming court case, Arthur is ambivalent. She said the claimants were chasing the wrong organisation, but still felt the Government had to share some of the responsibility for letting Psa in.


She supported the claimants because "I can see where they are coming from".


golden kiwi tree

▲golden kiwi growing zone





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