猕猴桃品种SunGold取代了命运多舛的Hort16A之后 猕猴桃种植者在高等法院Psa案中获胜Kiwifruit variety SunGold replaced the ill fated Hort16A which was very susceptible to Psa.

2022 年 8 月 16 日16:06:12新西兰阳光金果sungold kiwifruit评论573 views阅读18分28秒阅读模式

Kiwifruit growers claim victory in High Court Psa case猕猴桃种植者在高等法院Psa案中获胜


golden kiwi tree

▲golden kiwi growing zone

Kiwifruit growers affected by the damaging Psa disease are claiming victory following a High Court ruling that the Crown was negligent and breached its duty of care.


sungold kiwi growing zone

▲sungold kiwi growing zone

Growers who joined the class action are claiming $450 million compensation, higher than the figure ($376.4m) the 212 growers were earlier claiming.


"This is a landmark decision and we hope it draws a line in the sand for what has been a very long and difficult eight years for growers," Kiwifruit Claim committee member Grant Eynon said.




The claim followed an outbreak of the Psa disease in November 2010. The disease quickly spread and caused widespread damage to the kiwifruit industry. A compensation package put together by the industry and Government came to an end when the strategy of aggressive containment was unsuccessful.


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▲Kiwi pollination▲

Seeka Kiwifruit head Michael Franks says he is disappointed the decision does not cover packing operations, but as a grower the company should benefit.


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▲Kiwi pollination▲

The Crown has 20 days to appeal the decision. In a statement the Ministry for Primary Industries said the decision to appeal would be made by the Solicitor-General, not MPI.


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▲sungold g3 kiwi planting

So far the case had cost "many millions" for the claimants, and the Crown has spent about $3m to date.




Justice Jillian Mallon ​ruled the Ministry of Agriculture (now Ministry for Primary Industries) owed a duty of care to kiwifruit growers because it had responsibility for controlling what goods could be imported into New Zealand.


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▲sungold g3 kiwifruit vine

She found that MAF had breached its duty of care when deciding whether to grant import permits for kiwifruit pollen.


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▲zespri kiwifruit

Justice Jillian Mallon also found that the claimants had proven on the balance of probabilities that the consignment of anthers containing pollen was the cause of the outbreak.


The Crown had argued the claimants did not have a case because the way in which the disease entered New Zealand was unknown.


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▲zespri RubyRed▲

The court ruled MAF did not owe a duty of care to Seeka Kiwifruit Industries, which is a grower and packer.

法院裁定MAF对Seeka Kiwifruit Industries不负有注意义务,该公司是一家种植者和包装商。

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▲zespri redkiwi

"Post-harvest operators were one step removed from the direct harm suffered by growers. They suffered financial losses because of contractual arrangements with those who suffered direct harm," the ruling said.




However Seeka is also the largest kiwifruit grower in the country and from that point of view benefits from the decision.


rubyred 宝石红猕猴桃

▲rubyred 宝石红猕猴桃

"While Seeka is disappointed by the decision in relation to the post-harvest losses, it confirms that it is a claimant alongside the growers and set to benefit in any final determination of damages," chief executive Michael Franks said.

首席执行官迈克尔·弗兰克斯(Michael Franks)说:“虽然Seeka对有关收获后损失的决定感到失望,但它确认,它是与种植者一起提出索赔的人,并将在最终确定损失时受益。”。



Seeka earlier told the court it was forced to make 64 staff redundant at a cost of $2.1 million, saw its share price plummet and lost $1.8m on sales that fell through following the arrival of the devastating Psa disease in 2010.




The claimants said officials of the former Ministry of Agriculture had allowed Te Puke company Kiwi Pollen to import kiwifruit pollen for the first time in April 2007, through to 2010.

索赔人说,前农业部官员于2007年4月至2010年首次允许Te Puke公司猕猴桃花粉进口猕猴桃花粉。

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▲sungold kiwi orchard

They argued the officials should have undertaken a formal risk analysis for the imports, given that kiwifruit pollen had not been brought into New Zealand before then. Officials had also failed to inform the kiwifruit industry about the imports.




According to the claim plaintiffs, MAF officials owed them a "duty to exercise reasonable skill and care when undertaking their responsibilities in relation to biosecurity", but they had failed to exercise this skill and care.


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▲zespri kiwi propaganda

The 212 growers represent 32 per cent of the total 2009-10 gold kiwifruit crop and 13 per cent of the green crop. There are about 2500 commercial kiwifruit growers in the country.


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▲redKiwi sapling▲

The class action has been run by litigation funder the LPF Group chaired by former Supreme Court judge Bill Wilson.

该集体诉讼由前最高法院法官比尔·威尔逊(Bill Wilson)担任主席的诉讼资助者LPF集团管理。

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▲golden g3 kiwifruit

As a funder of the class action, LPF Group will receive a percentage of the compensation granted.


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▲Kiwi pollination▲

When the claim was first filed in 2014, the then-chief executive of New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Incorporated (NZKGI), Mike Chapman said if the claim was successful, growers would get what was left after all legal costs and the 20 to 25 per cent success fee has been deducted – "the bigger the claim, the bigger LPF's success fee," Chapman said.

2014年首次提出索赔时,新西兰猕猴桃种植者公司(NZKGI)当时的首席执行官迈克·查普曼(Mike Chapman)说,如果索赔成功,种植者将得到扣除所有法律费用和20%至25%的成功费后剩下的钱——“索赔越大,LPF的成功费越高,”查普曼说。

sungold g3 Kiwifruit packaging

▲sungold g3 Kiwifruit packaging

Plaintiffs were represented by a committee consisting of John Cameron, Bob Burt and Grant Eynon. Representative plaintiffs are Strathboss Kiwifruit Ltd for growers and Seeka Kiwifruit Industries Ltd for post-harvest operators.


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▲zespri yellow kiwi





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