Maintaining Your Plants 养护你的猕猴桃植物 Grow Kiwifruit Step

2022 年 8 月 8 日23:51:25kiwifruit评论953 views阅读12分49秒阅读模式

Maintaining Your Plants 养护你的猕猴桃植物
Image titled Grow Kiwifruit Step 9
Protect your kiwifruit from animals. Even if all other conditions are perfect, your plants may be destroyed by various pests. Kiwifruit plants will be especially vulnerable until they have fully matured.


Golden kiwifruit

▲Golden kiwifruit▲

The leaves of kiwifruit plants can sometimes attract deer. Keep your young plants safe by keeping deer out of your yard with either a fence around it or chicken wire surrounding your plants.


Kiwi sapling

▲Kiwi sapling▲

Cats respond to kiwi leaves similarly to catnip. If you've ever tried to grow catnip, you probably know that neighborhood cats can easily destroy your plants. If there are outdoor cats in your area, take measures to keep them out of your garden. Example strategies include building a fence, putting chicken wire around each of your plants, and spraying with repellents.




Golden kiwifruit

▲Golden kiwifruit▲

Unlike many other commercial fruit-bearing plants, kiwifruit do not have many insect enemies, so regular pesticide use is usually unnecessary.[16]


Kiwi packaging

▲Kiwi packaging▲

Image titled Grow Kiwifruit Step 10图片标题为“种植猕猴桃步骤10”
Tie shoots to supports. As your kiwifruit plant grows, it will begin to send out shoots. You will need to train these shoots to grow on the support by wiring the vines to the trellis. This will ensure that the plant will grow a strong "trunk" section.[17]


Kiwifruit planting

▲Kiwifruit planting▲

Image titled Grow Kiwifruit Step 11图片标题为“种植猕猴桃步骤11”
Prune your plants regularly. You should prune your kiwifruit plants once a year. Trim excess canes (vines that have grown a bark-like skin) and any lateral shoots not supportable by its trellis. Lateral shoots are branches that go off to the sides. Your kiwifruit vines will not be able to support the weight of such shoots on their own until they've reached the top of your trellis (when using the T-support system). Once the vines reach the top of the trellis, they will be able to grow more horizontally across it.

Red kiwi fruit

▲Red kiwi fruit▲


Kiwi pollen

▲Kiwi pollen▲

The optimal time for pruning female plants is late winter while the plant is dormant.
Male plants can be pruned sooner, right after flowering.[18]



Kiwi orchard

▲Kiwi orchard▲

Image titled Prune Lilacs Step 7图片标题为“修剪紫丁香步骤7”
Cull the male plants. Kiwi plants will usually flower within four or five years of planting. When this happens, you can identify the male plants by the bright yellow, pollen-covered anthers in the flower's center. The female plants have sticky stalks (stigma) in the center instead, and white ovaries at the base of the flower.[19] Since only the female kiwi vines produce fruit, you'll want one male plant to pollinate every 8 or 9 female plants, rather than an even split between the two. Remove the excess males and space the survivors an equal distance apart among the female vines.[20]

Yellow g3 kiwi

▲Yellow g3 kiwi

剔除雄性植物。猕猴桃植物通常会在种植后四到五年内开花。当这种情况发生时,你可以通过花朵中心的鲜黄色花粉覆盖的花药来识别雄性植物。雌性植物的中心有粘性茎(柱头),花的底部有白色子房。[19] 由于只有雌性猕猴桃能结果实,所以你希望每8或9株雌性猕猴桃中就有一株雄性猕猴桃授粉,而不是两株之间的平均分割。移除多余的雄性,并在雌性藤蔓之间留出相等的距离



image titled Grow Kiwifruit Step 12图片标题为“种植猕猴桃步骤12”
Harvest your fruit once it's ripe. After a few years (or even that same year for hardy and super-hardy kiwi), your plants should start producing fruit. Yields may start out small but typically increase every year as the plant matures.
Kiwifruit usually ripens in September and October. If frosts typically happen by then in your area, you will need to harvest the fruit before it's ripe and let it finish ripening under refrigeration.[21]
Snap kiwifruit off at the stalk when their skin begins to change color (to brown for common kiwifruit). Another way to check for harvest-readiness is to look for black seeds in a sample fruit.

Golden Kiwi seedlings

▲Golden Kiwi seedlings▲






Yellow kiwi orchard

▲Yellow kiwi orchard



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