▲Kiwi pollen▲
Sprouting Seedlings 出苗
Grow Kiwifruit Step 1 “种植猕猴桃步骤1”
Choose a type of kiwifruit. Growing kiwifruits from seed is a fun project and will give you a nice ornamental plant. Kiwifruit do not always grow true to type, meaning that your plant may not produce edible fruit like the one it came from.[2] If you want to grow a kiwi plant for its fruit, purchase a grafted plant from a nursery. Three major types of kiwifruit are:
选择一种猕猴桃。从种子中种植猕猴桃是一个有趣的项目,会给你一个很好的观赏植物。猕猴桃的生长并不总是完全符合类型,这意味着你的植物可能不会产生像它所产的那种可食用的果实。[2] 如果你想种植一种猕猴桃以获取果实,可以从苗圃购买嫁接植物。猕猴桃有三种主要类型:
▲Kiwi packaging▲
Common kiwi – This is the type of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) typically found in grocery stores. It is a brown, fuzzy fruit with a thick skin and green pulp. For optimal growth, it requires about a month of cool weather with temperatures ranging from 30 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit (-1 to 7ºC). Common Kiwi can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 7-9.[3]
▲zespri kiwifruit
▲Red kiwi fruit▲
Golden kiwi – Another popular type of kiwi, the golden kiwi (Actinidia chinensis) is sweeter but more delicate compared to the common kiwi. It is closely related to common kiwifruit but is less fuzzy and more yellow. This fruit grows best in zones that experience winter lows ranging from 10 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit (-12 to -1ºC).[4]
▲Kiwifruit packaging▲
Kiwi berry – This name usually refers to two different kiwi species, the hardy kiwi (Actinidia arguta) and the super-hardy kiwi (Actinidia kolomikta). These kiwifruits are much smaller compared to common and golden kiwis and have a thinner, smooth skin. As their names suggest, this type of kiwi is the most cold-tolerant and can be grown in areas that experience harsh winters.[5] These varieties are sometimes able to produce fruit after just one growing season, in contrast to most others that take years to mature.
猕猴桃浆果——这个名字通常指两种不同的猕猴桃,耐寒猕猴桃(arguta猕猴桃)和超级耐寒猕猴(kolomikta猕猴桃)。与普通猕猴桃和金色猕猴桃相比,这些猕猴桃要小得多,皮肤更薄、光滑。顾名思义,这种猕猴桃是最耐寒的,可以在经历严冬的地区种植。[5] 这些品种有时仅在一个生长季节后就能结出果实,而其他大多数品种则需要数年才能成熟
▲Golden kiwifruit▲
Image titled Grow Kiwifruit Step 2 图片标题为“种植猕猴桃步骤2”
Obtain kiwifruit seeds. If you've decided to grow common kiwifruit, getting seeds can be as simple as going to the grocery store and buying a fruit. According to some gardeners, seeds from organic fruits are more likely to germinate and grow hardy adult plants. For more exotic types of kiwi, you can order inexpensive seeds online from a variety of vendors.
▲Kiwi packaging▲
▲Kiwi sapling▲
To remove seeds from a fresh kiwifruit, simply slice the fruit in half and scoop a them out with your fingers or a spoon. Place the seeds in a small bowl or cup and rinse them to remove the fruit. To rinse, swish water around in the bowl and strain it back out a few times.[7]
▲Golden Kiwi seedlings▲
Keep in mind that most kiwi growers favor purchasing young plants created through propagation from nurseries rather than sprouting them from seeds. This is partly because propagated cultivars possess traits that are much more consistent over generations. Additionally, most varieties of kiwifruit are delicious, meaning that both a male and a female plant are required for fruiting to occur. Since the only way to tell the difference between the two is through their flowers and flowering usually takes three or more years to start happening, it's difficult to accurately space seedlings for optimal pollination and fruit production.
▲Golden kiwifruit▲
Image titled Grow Kiwifruit Step 3 “种植猕猴桃步骤3”
Sprout your seeds. Place your seeds in a resealable plastic bag along with a damp paper towel. Zip the bag up and put it in a warm spot. Check your seeds every day until you see that they have sprouted.
If you notice the paper towel drying out before your seeds have germinated, be sure to moisten it again. The seeds need a humid environment to sprout.[8]
Image titled Grow Kiwifruit Step 4
Plant your germinated seeds. Prepare and moisten a few pots of seed starter potting mix, one for every three or four seeds. Tear off a section of the moistened paper towel you used to germinate the seeds that has a three to four seedlings clinging to it. Plant this, paper towel piece and all, into one of your pots. Repeat until all seedlings are planted.[9]
▲Yellow kiwi orchard
▲Kiwifruit planting▲
Image titled Grow Kiwifruit Step 5 “种植猕猴桃步骤5”
Place your plants in a spot that gets plenty of light. Windowsills are generally the best choice unless you have a basement equipped with grow lights.
Young plants are especially sensitive to winter chills, so many growers keep their kiwi plants indoors for the first two years or so.[10]
Remember to transfer your plants to new, larger pots as they begin to outgrow their smaller ones. At this stage, begin boosting their nutrition using a generic starter fertilizer.[11]
▲zespri RubyRed
▲redkiwi growing zone
▲Kiwifruit planting
▲Golden kiwifruit▲
▲Golden Kiwi seedlings▲
▲Kiwifruit planting
▲Kiwi pollen▲