kiwifruit “佳沛宝石红”(Zespri RubyRed)开始批量供应中国市场redkiwifruit 奇异果巨头佳沛(Zespri)不久前宣布,将重新命名其红心奇异果品牌,名为“佳沛宝石红”(Zespri RubyRed),将在2022年销售季开展第一年大规模商业种植。 ▲红色果肉的猕猴桃,有没有让你... 10月25日1,351 views评论RubyRed KIWI RubyRed红奇异果 新西兰奇异果 阅读全文
kiwifruit 消费者角度体验新西兰新品的红肉猕猴桃品质—RubyRed宝石红奇异果redkiwifruit 有草莓、蓝莓等浆果味道的猕猴桃,你吃过吗?除了味道特别外,它的果肉更为神奇,从中心部分到果肉部分全部都为红色!可别以为它是红心猕猴桃偶尔变异,历经10年研发的它在今年初就已经面向亚洲市场发售了。当然它... 10月25日2,519 views评论RubyRed KIWI RubyRed红奇异果 新西兰奇异果 阅读全文
kiwifruit 新西兰阳光金果和Rubyred红果由浙江台州港进口入境redkiwifruit 新西兰面向中国市场的首船5622吨新季猕猴桃运抵玉环大麦屿港。 今后几天,该批新西兰猕猴桃将在台州海关完成通关手续后,再发往宁波,广州等进口仓库,后经内部品控检测合格后再销往全国各地。 ▲新西兰rub... 08月14日1,193 views评论RubyRed KIWI RubyRed红奇异果 阅读全文
kiwifruit 新西兰佳沛将旗下的新品红肉猕猴桃命名为“佳沛宝石红”(Zespri RubyRed)redkiwifruit 奇异果巨头新西兰佳沛(Zespri)不久前宣布,将重新命名其红心奇异果品牌,名为“佳沛宝石红”(Zespri RubyRed),将在2022年销售季开展第一年大规模商业种植。 ▲g3 kiwifrui... 08月14日1,260 views评论RubyRed KIWI RubyRed红奇异果 阅读全文
kiwifruit The first variety to be picked is the novel red-fleshed cultivar RubyRed 红宝石猕猴桃今年将首次作为商业品种出售 According to the online news website Scoop, the 2022 harvest season for New Zealand’s kiwifruit is n... 08月10日647 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit RubyRed KIWI 阅读全文
kiwifruit Zespri has confirmed that its current red kiwifruit will be named Zespri RubyRed Kiwifruit 佳沛命名新的红心猕猴桃品种:宝石红猕猴桃 It's official, Zespri has confirmed that its current red kiwifruit will be named Zespri RubyRed Kiwi... 08月10日820 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit RubyRed KIWI 阅读全文
kiwifruit 新西兰新品种红心猕猴桃的“红宝石猕猴桃”首先开始采摘 New RubyRed kiwifruit variety due on shelves soon New RubyRed kiwifruit variety due on shelves soon Clarisa Gibney, a member of the 2022 kiwifruit har... 08月10日681 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit RubyRed KIWI 阅读全文
kiwifruit Zespri’s red kiwifruit is being renamed Zespri RubyRed. Zespri的红色猕猴桃将更名为Zespri RubyRed(宝石红猕猴桃) RubyRed: Zespri Red kiwifruit gets a new name Zespri's red kiwifruit is being renamed Zespri RubyRed... 08月10日703 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit RubyRed KIWI 阅读全文
kiwifruit 新西兰猕猴桃收获节开幕,宝石红猕猴桃上市 New Zealand kiwifruit harvest opens with RubyRed New Zealand kiwifruit harvest opens with RubyRed 新西兰猕猴桃收获节开幕,宝石红猕猴桃上市 New Zealand’s 2022 kiwifruit h... 08月10日682 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit RubyRed KIWI 阅读全文
kiwifruit Zespri宝石红猕猴桃近日在国内市场销售 Zespri will change the product name of its red kiwi “Zespri Red,” Zespri International Japan will change the product name of its red kiwi "Zespri Red," which it began... 08月10日641 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit RubyRed KIWI 阅读全文