kiwifruit Soft rot caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea leads to massive economic losses in the kiwifruit industry. 软腐病给猕猴桃产业造成了巨大的经济损失 Soft rot caused by Botryosphaeria dothidea leads to massive economic losses in the kiwifruit industr... 07月29日676 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit a small proportion of the world’s population appears to be allergic to the kiwifruit 猕猴桃品种的过敏性存在差异 While kiwifruit has a high nutritive and health value, a small proportion of the world's population ... 07月29日619 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit Kiwifruit is therefore a healthy food option for consumers with impaired glucose tolerance. 猕猴桃是糖尿病消费者的健康食品选择,对血糖影响将非常低 Kiwifruit has a relatively low glycemic impact on a per serving basis. DRRs from kiwifruit have a su... 07月29日523 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit kiwifruit pomace and kiwifruit are rich in dietary fiber 猕猴桃残次果生产酶的可能性进行了研究 Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch, Actinidiaceae) waste results from rejected kiwifruits, which ... 07月29日558 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit Kiwifruit dietary fiber consists of cell-wall polysaccharides that are typical of the cell walls of many dicotyledonous fruits 猕猴桃膳食纤维对肠胃的影响 Kiwifruit dietary fiber consists of cell-wall polysaccharides that are typical of the cell walls of ... 07月29日552 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit the kiwifruit remains a niche fruit, taking up an estimated 0.22% of the global fruit bowl 猕猴桃消费量仅占水果总销量的千分之二 While the world total production of kiwifruit has increased by over 50% during the last decade, the ... 07月29日514 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit Kiwifruit have a very short history of cultivation,Domestication of Actinidia Species 猕猴桃的驯化发展历史 Domestication of Actinidia Species Kiwifruit have a very short history of cultivation. In China, the... 07月29日495 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit Kiwifruit are high in both soluble and insoluble fibers 猕猴桃富含纤维素 有润肠通便的作用 Kiwifruit are high in both soluble and insoluble fibers containing about 3.4 g fiber per 100 g fruit... 07月29日693 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit Kiwifruit contain allergens that can cause allergic responses in susceptible consumers 猕猴桃中含量蛋白质 被认为是引起过敏的原因 Kiwifruit contain allergens that can cause allergic responses in susceptible consumers. The response... 07月29日588 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit Kiwifruit, a fruit originally from China, has spread around the world in the last decades 猕猴桃富含维c等多种营养物质 Kiwifruit, a fruit originally from China, has spread around the world in the last decades. Its produ... 07月29日599 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文