kiwifruit news-kiwifruit-may-2022-2 G3 sungold kiwifruit packing 2022年G3阳光金果猕猴桃包装即将结束 Is there another way of doing this?还有别的办法吗? ▲Kiwifruit with yellow heart As the G3 sungold kiwifruit... 10月08日1,424 views评论kiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit news-kiwifruit-june-2022-28-06 Zespri阳光金果收到真菌危害 运输过程损耗增加 When I was a lot younger and didn’t have a wise bone in my body, I would operate at the maximum! I w... 10月08日811 views评论kiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit news-kiwifruit-august-2022 随着猕猴桃产量的增加佳沛面临阳光金果品质方面的挑战 I have written many times now about the industry’s challenge in maintaining quality, as the volume o... 10月08日786 views评论kiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit news-kiwifruit-september-2022-2 这个季节上市的第一批阳光金果猕猴桃的质量很差 In general, the quality of the first sungold kiwifruit delivered to the market this season has been ... 10月08日661 views评论kiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit KIWIFRUIT提供传统水果和有机猕猴桃水果 KIWIFRUIT Conventional & Organic Fruit Available ▲SUNGOLD金奇异果行销系列广告 Kiwis are one of the few Fal... 10月08日854 views评论kiwifruit 有机猕猴桃 阅读全文
kiwifruit We are committed to providing the best tasting and safest kiwifruit to our customers为客户提供最美味、最安全的猕猴桃水果 We are committed to providing the best tasting and safest kiwifruit to our customers. Since we are a... 10月08日884 views评论kiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit Sunrise Kiwi is grow, pack, and ship California Kiwifruit. 在美国加州经营一家猕猴桃果园 Sunrise Kiwi is owned and operated by Jasbir Kullar. Jasbir migrated to the United States of America... 10月08日1,194 views评论kiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit We grow, pack, and ship Kiwifruit 业务包括猕猴桃种植、包装和运输猕猴桃 Our Business We grow, pack, and ship Kiwifruit. That's our specialty, but that's not all we do! We a... 10月08日719 views评论kiwifruit 阅读全文
新西兰阳光金果sungold New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Inc公司预计采摘岗位缺口六千人 猕猴桃采摘工资200元一小时 随着时间进入三月,南半球的水果成熟季将到达顶峰。 ▲佳沛猕猴桃加工厂 预计本种植季,新西兰的奇异果种植业将迎来又一个创纪录的丰收季,但劳动力短缺以及对疫情的担忧,使种植商、包装商和承包商处于紧张之中。... 08月21日1,224 views评论kiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit Fruit on a mature green kiwifruit vine in New Zealand新西兰成熟的绿色猕猴桃藤上的果实 Kiwifruit Country: Behind the Scenes at a New Zealand Kiwi Fruit Farm新西兰猕猴桃农场的幕后 Fruit on a mature g... 08月20日828 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文