新西兰阳光金果sungold DMS is a leading kiwifruit orchard management operator in the Bay of Plenty,DMS是新西兰丰盛湾领先的猕猴桃果园管理商 DMS is a leading kiwifruit and avocado orchard management and post-harvest operator in the Bay of Pl... 08月18日575 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
新西兰阳光金果sungold Police probe into Zespri-owned sungold kiwifruit plant material sent to China 警方调研阳光金果流入中国 Police probe into Zespri-owned sungold kiwifruit plant material sent to China警方调查Zespri拥有的运往中国的阳光金果猕... 08月18日623 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
新西兰阳光金果sungold Zespri owns plant rights to SunGold for another 18 years 佳沛拥有阳光金果18年的种植权 Zespri to take civil case in China as illegal gold kiwifruit plantings expand随着非法黄金猕猴桃种植面积扩大,Zespri将... 08月18日555 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit 利润再创新高之后 佳沛探讨国产阳光金果对市场潜在的冲击 Zespri mulls best way to combat counterfeit kiwifruit in China Zespri思考在中国打击假冒猕猴桃的最佳方法 Zespri enjoye... 08月18日1,240 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
新西兰阳光金果sungold 佳沛尝试购买国产的阳光金果G3猕猴桃 用于检测实验用途 buying counterfeit golden kiwifruit grown on vines stolen from the company Zespri signs on with Chinese state-owned firm to buy illicit SunGold kiwifruit Zespri与一家中国国有公司签约购买非法... 08月18日739 views评论g3猕猴桃 kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
新西兰阳光金果sungold Zespri wants to buy into illicitly grown sungold kiwifruit 佳沛正在探讨收购国内种植的阳光金果猕猴桃 Zespri's contentious China deal rejected by regulator over IP leakage and China relationship concern... 08月17日611 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
新西兰阳光金果sungold 这是一篇介绍新西兰DMS猕猴桃包装厂的文章 DMS is one of the largest kiwifruit management companies in New Zealand. DMS provides a range of services, tailored to each grower's specific needs. With over 500 hectares o... 08月17日557 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
新西兰阳光金果sungold There’s gold in this kiwifruit of the vine 猕猴桃真是摇钱树 看看新西兰人怎么讲的 There's gold in this kiwifruit of the vine 猕猴桃树的果实里有金子 Quality control: Staff at DMS Pukepack scruti... 08月16日1,245 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit growers are claiming losses of $376.4 million in a case 新西兰猕猴桃溃疡病灾害的后遗症 部分业主获得政府赔偿 Kiwifruit grower recalls bitter experience of losing orchard 猕猴桃种植者回忆失去果园的痛苦经历(原标题) ▲阳光金果G3猕猴桃 Forme... 08月16日619 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
新西兰阳光金果sungold 猕猴桃品种SunGold取代了命运多舛的Hort16A之后 猕猴桃种植者在高等法院Psa案中获胜Kiwifruit variety SunGold replaced the ill fated Hort16A which was very susceptible to Psa. Kiwifruit growers claim victory in High Court Psa case猕猴桃种植者在高等法院Psa案中获胜 猕猴桃品种SunGold取代了命运多舛的Hort16A... 08月16日571 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文