kiwifruit Kiwifruit, a fruit originally from China, has spread around the world in the last decades 猕猴桃富含维c等多种营养物质 Kiwifruit, a fruit originally from China, has spread around the world in the last decades. Its produ... 07月29日599 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
金奇异果与健康 把一个猕猴桃卖到10元,万字深度解析新西兰Zespri佳沛品牌百年故事 受之前两年新冠疫情的影响,人民更加重视健康生活的大趋势下,富含营养、健康美味的金奇异果成为大家日常休闲饮食、馈赠亲友的优先选择之一。 新西兰进口金果10元一个,国产普通的10元一斤。 ▲商超中出售的佳... 07月17日12,043 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
kiwifruit news-kiwifruit-july-2022我们决定与Zespri猕猴桃签订一份提前装运合同 I have never known such fluid times, as the Reserve Bank turns the dial one more notch to endeavour ... 01月08日611 views评论kiwifruit 阅读全文
新西兰阳光金果sungold 新西兰DMS公司管理团队介绍 DMS Kiwifruit Orchard Management Team Chief Executive Officer Derek Masters Derek commenced working for DMS in November 2008 in the positi... 08月18日1,225 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文
新西兰阳光金果sungold 新西兰DMS公司的董事会组成 Board of Directors Board of Directors Chairman Peter DeLuca Peter was appointed as Independent Chairman of DMS in Septe... 08月19日634 views评论kiwifruit redkiwifruit 阅读全文